Friday 13 September 2024

13th Sept - mostly sunny, light W, 16C

Willey; Two ravens over late morning.  c20 Swallows around the village.

Stanford reservoir; afternoon.

A Common Sandpiper on the dam top feeding.  A Flock of Lon=tailed Tits and Chiffchaff along car park hedge to Sand Martin bank.

Female Red-crested Pochard in the narrows (didn't see the drake which had been seen earlier).
A Little Egret, three Little Grebes with the ducks.  

Shawell Sandpit; evening.

Two Ferruginous Ducks still present.  
One is in primary feather wing moult, which takes about 22 days, so it could be around for up to another 14 days, depending when it actually started its primary feather moult.  I know it was moulting last Monday, so it will be interesting to see how long.

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