Sunday 1 September 2024

31st August - mostly cloudy, light-mod/fresh at times ENE, 22C

Lilbourne Meadows; morning

Three Green Sandpipers, a Common Sandpiper, 20 Teal, two Kestrels, c25 Starlings, Snipe two, four Chaffinch (2 juvs).

Bittesby Country park area; afternoon.

Two Kestrels, two Buzzards, c20 Goldfinch.

No sign of either Chat.

Stanford reservoir; evening

Wigeon have started to return in the last couple of days, I found one this evening, 14 Teal, two Pochard, 12 Shoveler, a Little Grebe.

Two Jays, several Chiffchaffs.

A mixed hirundine flock feeding over the area, c150 House Martins, c50 Swallows, c10 Sand Martins

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