Friday 20 September 2024

20th Sept - cloudy and dull, little drizzle midday then brighter sunny afternoon, 18C, mod/brisk NE

Soar Brook Lake; morning.

About 400 Lesser Black-backed Gulls loathing on the arable field/lake with lesser numbers of BH and Herring Gulls.

Green Sandpiper on adjacent pool, three Little Grebes.

Shawell Sandpit; evening

Two Ferruginous Ducks still, although the wing feathers of the one in moult have grown noticeably now, so maybe nit much longer.

A female Goldeneye, which is quite scare in SW Leics, may last here was 2021and before that 2019, usually the winter months.

A Cackling Goose was with the Canada Geese, it stood out really well, a good example.

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