Saturday 7 September 2024

7th Sept - cloudy, dull and mist with frequent spells of drizzle, very light E, 19C

WIlley;  16 Swallows on the wires in the drizzle, 1100h. 

Lilbourne Meadows, morning.

15 Swallows, three Green Sandpipers and two Snipe.

Several Chiffchaffs in the hedge.

Shawell Lagoons; afternoon; 45 Lapwings

Stanford Reservoir; afternoon.

Three Common Sandpipers, a Common Tern (ad), 

30 Wigeon, these must have come in last night.  Eight Pochard, 2+ Shovelers.

Four Yellow Wagtails, a Grey  and several Pied..  c50 Goldfinch feeding.

Shawell Sandpit; early afternoon.

Carl found a likely Ferruginous Duck, an immature-1st winter. However, light and drizzle conditions were terrible.

A few points need checking, mainly pale area at base of bill-cheeks.  The sides were mottled but this seems OK.  Otherwise it looked good, we shall see after more research.  Nothing obvious pointing to a hybrid.  Slightly small than the Tufted Ducks around it.

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