Saturday 19 September 2015

19 September - a lovely warm autumn day

A look around a local lake produced two Sedge and one Reed Warbler, a Blackcap and several Chiffchaff.  There was a westerly movement of Meadow Pipits, these were high in the blue sky, ideal conditions for diurnal migration.  A Sparrowhawk was disturbed from the hedge by a tractor cultivating the field. On the lake the Mute Swan family was still present, Little Grebes 'trilled' repeatedly and the duck swam around lazily.

There was about 25 Swallows around the village today.  At least one House Martin is still feeding young in a nest at St. Marys.

I made a visit to Brandon marsh this afternoon, always worth a visit, with plenty to look for.  A few  butterflies were out, Small Tortoiseshell, Comma and Small Heath.

Fungi seem to be sprouting up well now, including bracket fungi that grow on trees, dead or living, like these on a Silver Birch.
In the bird line there was a Green Sandpiper on Teal pool, and appropriately at least 80 Teal were present. A single Wigeon was on east marsh, together with several Shoveler and Gadwall.  Five Snipe were found around the edges of the islands.  Green and Great Spotted Woodpeckers were seen, two noisy Jays gave themselves away in the wood.  In all about 40 different birds were seen.  A noisy juvenile Buzzard, calling for food, a very familiar sound around the countryside now gave good views from the Ted Jury hide, see photo.

Finally, at Brandon there were plenty of Hornets flying and feeding on various flowers, quite amazing insects and nothing to fear!

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