Thursday 22 August 2024

22nd August - Mlod-blustery SW, 23C, mostly cloudy am, breif sunny intervals pm


First thing 40-50 Swallows feeding among the Sheep and in the lee of the hedges due to the blustery wind.

Mid-morning a Red Kiter and two Ravens over the Perkins fields.

Lilbourne Meadows; afternoon.

No Lesser Yellowlegs again.
Two Green Sandpipers, two Shoveler with the Teal, c15.  A Little Egret and three Grey Herons.
c10 Pied and two Yellow Wagtails again.

A, Small Heath butterfly was also struggling against the wind.

A Kestrel on a post out of the wind.

Shawell Sandpit/landfill; evening.

c30 Ravens and four Red Kites.

A juv Caspian and Yellow-legged Gull with the Lesser-black Backed Gulls.

A Cormorant, not seen one here for awhile.  Five Mute Swans, several Little Grebes.

Shawell Lagoons; south pool.

94 Canada Geese.  A few Lesser Black-backed Gulls loathing pre-roost, included a begging juv LBBG to an adult.

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