Sunday 4 August 2024

3rd August - Norfolk. A few sunny spells, mostly cloudy and some drizzle in off the sea, light, to mod NW, 19-24C

North Point Pools
One side completely dry at the moment.  Otherwise, typical birds present on the east pool, including three Green Sandpipers, a Marsh Harrier, a Great white Egret and a Spoonbill. A Kestrel

A couple of Wall butterflies along the central path.

Cley Marshes NWT
An incredible flock of 22 Cattle Egrets, including juveniles. A Spoonbill too.

A single Golden Plover, a Little Stint, two Snipe, Dunlin, two Curlews, a Black-tailed Godwit, four  Ruff, Avocets, Lapwings, four Green Sandpipers.

Titchwell Marsh RSPB

A good selection of birds on the Freshmarsh, including a moulting Curlew Sandpiper, Knot, Black-tailed Godwits, Snipe and Spoonbill

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