Friday 23 August 2024

23rd August - strong/gust SW pre-0900h, then becoming fresh to moderate during the day, 21C, sunny intervals

Stanford reservoir; afternoon

Ruddy Shelduck on the dam with the Greylags and Canada Geese, 10 Cormorants too.

The Black-necked Grebe was in Blowers L Bay, - found this morning by Chris Hubbard.

A Hobby was hawking insects, quite a few Dragonfly about today.  A Sparrowhawk flew silently past along the dam trees.  c20 House martins and a few Swallows.

Only two Pochards seen.  Five Common Terns, adults with their juvs,

Lilbourne Meadows; evening

Three Green Sandpipers, a Grey Heron, Shoveler (1) a few Teal, 21 Moorhens.

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