Saturday 24 August 2024

24th August - light/stead rain 0900h- 1230h, then a few showers and sunny intervals later, 19C

Forty Swallows on the wires this morning.

Lilbourne Meadows; mid-morning

Two Whitethroats and a male Blackcap in hedge, a Tree Pipit briefly.

Three each of Green Sandpipers and Little Egrets, 20+ Pied Wagtails.

Pitsford Reservoir; afternoon

A single Great and Little Egret, 90 Lapwings, 2+ Common terns, two Sand Martins still visiting the nest bank.

Drake Wigeon, two Little Grebe, a few Pochard.

c50 Goldfinch and 10+ Greenfinch around the feed area and weeds,

Immature female Whinchat,

Shawell Lagoons; late afternoon

Not a lot, but a Grey heron was stalking from the overflow pipe.

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