Friday 9 August 2024

9th August - cloudy am with mod-fresh W wind, sunny spells pm, mod W, 24C

Frolesworth; afternoon.
c600 Woodpigeons feeding on cultivated fields near Sharnford Tractors entrance.
Also, a Red Kite and Kestrel along the Ullesthorpe lane

Frolesworth Manor Lake;
Great-crested Grebe adult and juv, Tufted Ducks and Mallards, Coot 10 and 4 Moorhens.

Lilbourne Meadows; evening.

Three Green Sandpipers, three Little Egrets and a Grey Heron, two Little Grebes, Shoveler 4 and Teal 6.
A Yellow Wagtail.and Kestrel.  A few House Martins and Swallows over the pools.
c6 each Linnet and Goldfinch.

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