Saturday 21 September 2024

21st Sept - sunny am, thunderstorms and some rain pm, 20C, light/mod ENE/E

Willey; a Raven over 1130h calling.

WeBS counts at three small sites today, waterbirds thin on the ground at the moment at the small lakes, too early.

Bittesby Country Park area; morning

A single Swallow flew over the lake and had a drink.
One Whinchat, male, still in the weedy fields.

Stanford reservoir; afternoon.

A Common Sandpiper and Shelduck on the dam.  Two Pintails, seven Red-crested Pochards, a Hobby over catching a Dragonfly,  four Lapwings, a Little Grebe.

Four+ Chiffchaffs with Blue Tits, and two Blackcaps.

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