Sunday 29 September 2024

29th Sept - cloud increasing, mod-freshening SE, 13C

Shawell Sand pit/Landfill; morning

Two Ferruginous Ducks still.

Five Pochard, c25 Ravens, five Red Kites, Green Woodpecker, four Lapwing (south pool).

Stanford reservoir; afternoon.

Two Sand Martins, c 20 House Martins and c10 Swallows feeding.
Three Red-crested Pochards, nine Shovelers, female Pintails.
Four Common Gulls came in to Keepers Bay.
10 Red-legged Partridges, a Raven, a Sparrowhawk, 80 Lapwing on adjacent arable field, a Jay, a Grey Wagtail.

A Goldcrest and Chiffchaff with Long-tailed Tits.  But, no YBW ( the ringers have caught one both today and yesterday here).

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