Friday 27 September 2024

27th Sept - Rain - heavy,early, clearing morning, slowly brightening to sunny spells, mod/fresh NW, 13C

 Another very wet night, lots of pools around now and rivers/streams overflowing.

Willey; two Swallows around the Sheep first thing.

Shawell sand pit/landfill; afternoon.

Only one female Ferruginous Duck found today.  Female Goldeneye still.

A new site record was of a Pink-footed Goose with the Greylags.  There has been passage over in recent days, so likely a wild one.  No rings on legs.

Eight Pochard, four Shovelers, two Teal, 10 Red Kites. two Buzzards.  Little Grebes 8+.  Ravens, etc.

Stanford reservoir;  late afternoon.

The Bittern had been seen flying into the Northants reed bed, so I went to have a look, but not seen.

However, whilst viewing I noticed a bird fly catching from a bush, it was a Spotted Flycatcher.

A little later Chris spotted a bird of bird, which was an Osprey, it hunted briefly in BLB before moving off.

Chris B spotted a Grass Snake swimming past us as will looked for the Bittern,  you can see the ripples where it is,!  The only one I've seen here this year.

And, I've never seen so many Crab Apples on (off)  this tree before - food for someone!

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