Saturday 28 September 2024

28th Sept - SUnny am, cloud increasing pm, light WNW, 14C

Lilbourne Meadows; morning.   Pools fully full now.

Plenty of Wigeon and Teal again, no count,
A Yellowhammer on the hedge.
A Green Sandpiper.

Shawell sandpit/Landfill, morning.

Two female Ferruginous Ducks still (one must have been hiding yesterday!).  Seven Pochard.

Bittesby Country Park; early afternoon.

Two Whinchats still present.

Stanford reservoir; afternoon.
The Bittern did nit show again whilst there for 3 hours.

Seven Red-crested Pochards (5 drakes), a female Pintail still, four Little Grebes.
Bullfinch (m), Treecreeper, a CXoal Tit, Kingfisher, Kestrel, Red Kite,

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