Friday 11 October 2024

11th Oct - widespread grass frost (0C), last night. Sunny, light breeze SW, 12COct -


Last night the aurora borealis displayed very well and such a rare event here was magnificent o see, the following pics were taken about 2200h, although it lasted in to the early hours of today.

Now the bad news, John M had seen the Little Egrets again the following day in the same field.  However this morning he found a dead one with its head missing in the field.  How did this happen??

Two Ravens and a Red Kite were over the village about 1400h.

A Comma and Large White were seen during the day here.

Stanford reservoir; afternoon.

It was all rather serene and calm here today.  Six Red-crested Pochards were seen, otherwise just the regulars, although a Coal Tit was present in the pines with Blue Tits near the Water Tower.  A single Grey and two Pied Wagtails were on the dam.  
A male Stonechat was in the adjacent weedy field near the track.

I saw Steve Wright who had just seen a Clouded Yellow (photographed too), first for the year!

Then early evening Chris posted he had found a female Ferruginous Duck, I wonder if an ex-Shawell bird, I shall check tomorrow.

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