Sunday 13 October 2024

13th Oct - high flat cloud, 10C, WNW-SW

Willey; first thing four Yellowhammers and a Mistle Thrush in the Perkins fields area.

Lilbourne Meadows; morning

Fairly quiet, two Little Egrets, 5+ Meadow Pipits, Green Woodpecker,  flock of 14 Goldfinch.

Shawell sandpit/landfill;

Five Red Kite, then Great-crested Grebe still.  An adult Yellow-legged Gull dropped in.

Pitsford reservoir; afternoon. Reserve area

Plenty of Wigeon, seven Pintails, only five Pochards seen, c25 Lapwings on the dam.   
Several Greenfinches around the ringing /feeder area.

Stanford reservoir; 

News that four Whooper Swans had dropped in, so I popped in on the way back from Pitsford, they were still present.

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