Thursday 3 October 2024

3rd Oct - mostly sunny, 15C, light Easterly

John M said he had one Swallow in the Stables this morning.

Three Redwings were in the Church area feeding this morning, along with several Blackbirds, Song Thrushes and a Mistle Thrush.  Mostly, feeding on the Yew berries.

Four Greenfinches, a Green and Great Spotted Woodpecker. Two Goldcrests and a Chiffchaff in the Church Yews.

c1700h, a Sparrowhawk circled over before moving off.

Bittesby Country Park; morning
Two Stonechats in  the weedy fields feeding, an adult and a 1W.

Stanford reservoir; afternoon.

Still no joy in finding a YBW on the Leics side, among the Long-tailed Tit and Chiffchaff flock there was potential, but too quick before disappearing.

Severn Red-crested Pochards, the female Pintail still, a Shoveler and two Teal among the Wigeon and Tufties.

On the car park Buddleia were two Red Admiral and three Comma butterflies.

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