Saturday 18 May 2024

18th May - Hazy sun am, sunny spells pm, 20C, light NNE-NE

Lilbourne Meadows; morning.
Disappointingly still no wader passage.
Red Kite Over, a male Yellowhammer flew over the field to alight on hedge top.
Otherwise similar to recent visits.

Brandon March; afternoon;
A nice selection of birds on the east marsh, including Redshank, Oystercatchers (2 pairs - one with young), Little Ringed Plovers, Lapwing pairs, a female Goosander (sleeping).  Two Little Grebes
Male and female Cuckoo, Garden Warbler., Lesser Whitethroat singing too.

On the tip area, 6+ Green Hairstreaks, 2 Small h#Heaths and a Burnet Companion moth.

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