Tuesday 7 May 2024

6th May - Sunny, light NE, 18C

Lilbourne Meadows; morning.
Common Sandpiper, two Redshanks, Mallard with a brood.  A Shelduck. Gadwall two drakes. A  Little Egret.  Two Stock Doves.

Two Roe Deer and a Fox on the bank.

Shawell sandpit/landfill;
Five Gadwall drakes, a Little Egret (unusual here).   A Coot with 5 youngsters.

Green and Great Spotted Woodpecker.

Eyebrook reservoir; afternoon.
Acres of mud but no waders!  But, a Redshank and Oystercatcher on the stony area of the 'island' area.

Five Black Terns, 12 + Common Terns.

Stonechat pair, inlet area.  A Red Kite and Buzzard.

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