Thursday 2 May 2024

2nd May - light NNE, 19C, cloudy, misty/hazy afternoon/evening

Misterton; afternoon.
Two Goldcrest males in territory dispute.  Six Greylags on the lake, being kept of the island by a Canada Goose (nest?).
A female Greenfinch.

Stanford reservoir;
Three Hobbies hawking over the water, four Common Terns.  Two Oystercatchers on the mud area in field.
A male Grey Wagtail collecting food.
Cuckoo singing.

Shawell Sandpit/Landfill; evening.
Shelduck pair, Oystercatcher pair, Egyptian Goose pair flew in (behavior as if just off a nest).
Green Woodpecker called.  Three Red Kites, plus Ravens.
A Sparrowhawk came by and a Peregrine flew over quite high eastward.

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