Friday 24 May 2024

24th May - mostly cloudy, light SW, 15C

Lilbourne Meadows; afternoon.
A Teal pair, a drake Shoveler (as always) which chased off a pair that came in.  Gadwalls, Mallards, Little Grebe.  Three Little Egrets.
A Yellow Wagtail.  Several Swifts feeding over the bank.

Stanford reservoir;
There seems to be a good number of Common terns this year, so hopefully there will be a productive breeding season.
c50 Swifts and House Martins over, two Buzzards and a Red Kite.

A Treecreeper pair feeding fledglings, not long out of the nest.  Several Garden Warblers still singing well.  The Reed Buntings seem to be singing more now too.

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