Wednesday 22 May 2024

19th May - Sunny periods, steady NE, 16C - North Norfolk

A visit here today, unfortunately all the scarce birds seemed to have moved off last night, however there always plenty to see.

Choseley Barns area - the keen wind kept the passerines hiding, so no Corn Bunting.  However, a pair of Grey Partridges along Chalk pit lane stood out.  Also, two Marsh Harriers hunting the fields, keeping the Hares alert.   A couple of red Kites and a Kestrel too.

North Point Pools; a lovely Spoonbill flew over.  Plenty of the other regular birds expected here.

Cley NWT; Pretty quiet.  Avocets had young about, a Common Sandpiper, Three Black-tailed Godwits Sandwich Terns off shore.

Titchwell RSPB;  Black and Bar-tailed Godwits, a Mediterranean Gull, single Ringed Plover, a good number of Common terns on the islands.

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