Saturday 25 May 2024

25th May - mostly sunny, light ESE, 19C

Lilbourne Meadows; morning and afternoon.

A smart drake Garganey was showing well, sitting on the grass next to the water, alas I had not photography kit with me.  I could not find it after lunch.
A couple of Shoveler drakes and Little Egrets too.

DIRFT 3; afternoon.

Along the path adjacent to M! a number of butterflies, Small Heath, Common Blue, Peacock and Large White.

A Whitethroat was singing and Lapwing in territory.

Shawell Sandpit and Landfill area;
Surprisingly quite a few Gulls in for a Saturday afternoon, principally Lesser Black Backed.  

I didn't count the Raven today, but over 30, with some fledglings being given food still.  Seven Mute Swans, which is quite a good number for here.

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