Monday 27 May 2024

27th May - sunny intervals and showers (most pm), mod SW, 16C

Lilbourne Meadows; morning
Single Dunlin and Redshank.  Two Curlew dropped in.  Three Little Egrets.  
Male Yellow Wagtail feeding.  Three drake Shoveler and one female.
A few Swifts and House Martins passed over.

Brandon Marsh; afternoon
Three Hobbies hawking, a Ringed Plover asleep, Little Ringed Plovers too.
Blackcap and Garden Warblers still singing.
Plus all the other usual birds.

A nice, newly emerged Lime Hawk Moth was spotted by some visitors and they showed it me, easily missed on the tree trunk.

A single Red Admiral.

Shawell Sandpit/landfill;  NE sandy lane pit only;  evening.
Main sightings were a single Dunlin and a Shelduck pair

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