Thursday 13 June 2024

12th June - Sunny spells, 17C, light SW

Shearsby; a couple of evening ago I visited a farm there to check the Little Owls, which were in their usual trees.  There also a Red Kites nest there which is well hidden now in a tall, dense Willow tree.

Lilbourne Meadows; evening

A Redshank and a Snipe at the flood pools, along with the Shoveler family.  Two Little Egrets.

A young Goldfinch was following a parent.

Stanford reservoir;

Two drake Pochards, early returners.  Three Oystercatchers - one a juvenile.

Green Woodpecker around the dam area, a Lapwing flew over from its field territory.

Three Grey Wagtails, a good number of Pied Wagtail juvs with their parents.

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