Sunday 23 June 2024

22nd June - Sunny, 23C, light WNW

WIlley; evening.
This emerald green beetle decided to land on my reading material, a False Oil Beetle I think.

Lilbourne Meadows; morning.
15 Little Egrets and 5 Grey Herons.  The Snipe was showing again, 18 Lapwings.  Three drake Teal.

Two juvenile Little Ringed Plovers, very bright sun, but a distant record shot.

Misterton, afternoon.

Juvenile Grey Wagtail at the lake outflow.  A couple of Buzzards behind the Church over the meadows.

Husbands Bosworth Sandpit
Two pairs of Little Grebes with youngsters, four Stock Doves.

Local Site
Little Ringed Plover pair with three chicks.

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