Saturday 8 June 2024

8th June - cloudy/drizzle early, brightening during the day, sunny pm, mod-fresh WNW, 16C

Still cool, windy weather continues, no hint of Summer proper yet.

Willey;  Four Red Kites over the grass being cut behind the village this afternoon.

Lilbourne Meadows; morning

Oystercatcher family, a single Dunlin and Little Egret. A Shoveler drake, now well into moult.  

Two Grey Herons. Single Little Grebe showing and a Redshank heard.

Blackcap and Chiffchaff singing still.

Stanford reservoir; afternoon.

Green Woodpecker on the dam.  Also, a Grey Heron was water side, along with the usual waterbirds.  A Gadwall pair with 3 ducklings.

Ten House Martin nests on the Lodge house counted, also several  Swallows and c 200 Swifts feeding.

Garden Warblers, 6+, singing, also Whitethroats, Chiffchaffs, Blackcap, Reed Warblers.

Cuckoo heard 'bubbling'.  Song Thrush singing.

Two Oystercatchers flying around, a Ringed Plover in the spillway.

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