Monday 3 June 2024

3rd June - cloudy, lightnNW, sunny evening.16C

Lesser Whitethroat singing opposite the allotments, mid-morning.

Lilbourne meadows; morning.
Garganey drake still.  Oystercatcher family, Six Little Egrets.
Canada Goose pair with on ly one gosling.
Goldfinch carrying food.

Stanford reservoir; evening.
A drake Common Scoter near Keepers Bay with Tufted Ducks (initially spotted by Chris).

Oystercatcher pair and a single Shelduck on the dam.  A Little Egret and Grey Heron
Swifts and House Martins overhead.
Grey Wagtail family - 4 fledglings and a Pied Pair with 2 fledglings.
Mute Swan broods included one with 5 and anther with 3 cygnets.
Garden Warblers singing still, Blackcap occasionally.

Only distant pics of the Scoter...  and a Muntjac in the adjacent field.

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