Sunday 2 June 2024

2nd June - sunny, 22C, light-mod NW

Lilbourne Meadows; morning.
No Garganey seen this morning (but was seen during an evening check).
6 Little Egrets and 3 Grey herons.  A Redshank, two Lapwings.   Three Shovelers.  A Little Grebe.
11 Magpies in an Ash tree.
Skylarks collecting food in the hay meadows for youngsters.
A Kestrel hunting.

Shawell sandpit/landfill; evening.
Looks like the Oystercatchers nest has been predated.
A Great Crested Grebe. A single Red Kite.
Goldcrest singing in conifers near Redland entrance.

Theddingworth, afternoon.
A Red Kite over the canal area.
A Green Shield bug dropped in, although common, they blend in so well they are often missed.

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