Sunday 9 June 2024

9th June - Early sun, soon gave way to mod high flat cloud, mod/fresh WNW, 16C

Willey; Four Red Kites, two Buzzards plus Gulls feeding over the grass being picked up that was cut yesterday.

RSPB Ouse Fen
The Great Reed Warbler was in great song, almost continuous, but it was 2 hours before it climbed up the reeds, - too windy, and then not very for very long.

Close by a Grasshopper Warbler was reeling, eventually it too showed for a while.  Some record shots of it in the swaying greenery.

Plenty of other birds to see including Bittern (and booming), Hobbies, Marsh Harriers, Cuckoos.

Lilbourne Meadows; early evening.
Redshank, Oystercatchers, 6 Little Egrets, Little Grebes, a Snipe and all the other recent regulars.

Best was a female Shoveler with 8 new ducklings.

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