Friday 14 June 2024

14thn June - cloudy, with increasing sunny during the day, the odd bit of rain, 16C, mod 16C

Soar Brook Lake; morning.

Pretty quiet, a Mallard with 3 mid-sized ducklings.  Two Oystercatchers, partly hidden, possible young around.  Female Grey Wagtail.

Lilbourne Meadows; afternoon.
Quieter here today.  Three Little Egrets, two Shoveler, Oystercatcher heard.
Two Hobbies hawking over the bank and over the pools.  A few Swifts too.

Stanford reservoir; evening.
A smaller number of Swifts and House Martins this evening.  However, a Sand Martin was present.

The Greylag flock now up to 112, although I can only see two broods this year.
Little Egret on the field pool again.  

Garden Warbler, Chiffchaff and Blackcap singing near the first gate, Northants side.  A Grey Wagtail around the outlet pipes.

Both Blue and Great Tits feeding recently fledged young in the trees.

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