Wednesday 31 July 2024

31st July - mostly sunny, light Easterly, 28C


Two red Kites over, 0845h, SW, single through the day again in the Perkins /Wood farm area.

Lilbourne Meadows; evening.

No Little Egrets, but a Cattle Egret was in the bushes preening, its bill was darker mainly towards the tip, suggesting it was a juvenile.  Probably the first site record.

The heat haze was terrible, but a few record pics were digiscoped from distance.

The Gadwall and Shoveler families were still present, also three Green Sandpipers.

Tuesday 30 July 2024

30th July - sunny, hot, 27C. light N


It has been noticeable for a few days now how more Swallows are gathering in small groups on the wires and preening quite a bit.  Amazing to think they will be leaving us in the not too distant future.   

Perkins/Wood Farm fields-  Again Red Kites and Buzzards over the hay making fields, max count was four for the Kites.

Lilbourne Meadows; morning/evening

Male Redstart again showing well.

Green Sandpiper and a Little Ringed Plover.

This evening a Sparrowhawk was eating a kill and being hassled by a Magpie.  House Martins and Swallows came over the bank and 5+ Swifts.

Stanford reservoir; evening.

A Common Sandpiper and Yellow Wagtail on the dam, otherwise nothing new.

This Grey Heron was catching the evening sun.
This juv Grey Heron was taking a short cut along the track to the next bay.

This Moorhen just looked good.

Monday 29 July 2024

29th July - Sunny, 28C, light S

Stanford reservoir; late afternoon.

Lapwing, 15 on the dam among the Greylag and Canada Geese.
A couple of Grey herons around, six, Gadwall and single Shoveler.

A couple of  Broad-bodied Chasers by the Fisherman's point.

Lilbourne Meadows, ; evening

Male redstart showing well.
54 Lapwings, a Common Sandpiper, only one Little Egret, a single Cormorant.

Sunday 28 July 2024

28th July - mostly sunny, 25C, light SSW

Lilbourne Meadows - morning

A Green and Common Sandpiper, also an Oystercatcher and a Snipe, plus Lapwing and three Little Ringed Plovers.

Six Little Egrets, a Yellow Wagtail.

A female and juv Reed Bunting near the pools and a Yellowhammer sang a little.

Male Redstart on the hedge fence still.

Newbold Quarry; afternoon.

Mainly looking for Butterflies, but a Great Crested Grebes pair has two juvs on the pool.  A Green Woodpecker was heard too.

Butterflies were: Common and Holly Blues, Ringlet, Gatekeeper, Peacock, Red Admiral, Meadow Brown, Speckled Wood, Large White, Green-veined White.

Saturday 27 July 2024

27th July - sunny spoells, more cloud before clearing early evening, light SW-WNW, 22C

Lilbourne Meadows;
Morning - my first  site record of a Great White Egret, with 10 Little Egrets in the corner bushes.
A Common and Green Sandpiper, two Snipe flew in. 
One Yellow Wagtail.

Late afternoon -  four Grey Herons,  Shoveler family (5 juvs with female), a Cormorant, five Canada Geese, c40 Starlings.

2315h - Tawny Owl calling from Church yard trees.

26th July - Sunny periods, light SW, 23C


Two Red Kites, two Buzzards and a Kestrel, two Lesser Black Backed Gulls later over the Perkins grass field area being mown.

Swallows nested in the Church porch successfully this year.

Shawell Sandpit/landfill; evening.

I popped in here, mainly to clear the view point so we can see the water/islands  better.  Time to get thinking about juv gulls again.

Gulls were coming in from the landfill, having a quick dip then heading off to the pore-roost/roost sites.   

Mallard 46, Tufted Duck 30, nine Mute Swans, Little Grebe 4+, Raven 2+, Great Spotted Woodpecker.

Raven -cronking.

Thursday 25 July 2024

25th July - cloudy, mod SW, 22C

Willey; three Red Kites over top fields/Long Spinney at 0830h.

Lilbourne meadows; afternoon.

Two Green and one Common Sandpiper, c50 lapwings and a Little Ringed Plover.

Five Little Egrets, five Teal, Shovelers.  Three Yellow Wagtails.

Raven over.

Wednesday 24 July 2024

24th July - sunny and warm, 23C, cloudy and humidity increasing, light rain shower later afternoon., light

 Lilbourne meadows; evening

Two Green Sandpipers, 55 Lapwings and a Little Ringed Plover.

The pools are good for Moorhen, adults and juvs numbered 16 today.

£ Little Egrets and two Cormorants still.

DIRFT/A5 area

Although we have lost the pools area now it has been infilled and flattened ready for building on, the ground has become favourable for Gulls to gather pre-roost.

c300 Lesser Black Backed Gulls a few Herring and 7 + Yellow-legged Gull.

23rd JUly - cloudy, litlle drizzle early, becoming sunny and very warm, humid at times, light NE, 24C

Willey; two Lesser Whitethroats around Hurls Furlong pond bushes, one possibly a juv.

Lilbourne Meadows: evening
 A male Redstart on the gate post.
One Green Sandpiper, 53 Lapwing a Yellow Wagtail.  Two Cormorants on the pool dividing gate.

Stanford reservoir; 

 A Green Woodpecker, 4 Linnets and a Yellow Wagtail on the dam.

Tuesday 23 July 2024

22nd July - Sunny, light/breezy WSW, 25C

WIlley; a Red Kite over the top fields briefly, 1030h.

Frolesworth Manor Lake; morning

Great Crested Grebe pair with one youngster, a Tufted duck female with four ducklings, a Mute Swans pair with three cygnets, two Coot broods (2 and 3 young).

Four Swifts over, a Kingfisher, two Greenfinches and c10 Starlings.

Claybrooke cemetery;

Two Spotted Flycatchers.

Lilbourne Meadows; evening

Five Green Sandpipers and a Common Sandpiper.  Two Cormorants.  Shoveler family, Gadwall family (8 half grown young), two Teal, 59 Lapwings.
Two Swift over, male Linnet and juv Yellow Wagtail.

Sunday 21 July 2024

21st Jily - Most;ly sunny, 21C, light NW

Lilbourne Meadows; morning.

Two each Common and Green Sandpipers, 12 Little Egrets, a Little Grebe, Shoveler families,  Two Teal, Two Cormorants still and 53 Lapwings. 

Shawell lagoons

17 Lapwings and a passing Little Ringed Plover.

Brandon marsh; afternoon

Three Garganey still present, reported this morning, two females and eclipse drake.  Single Teal, Gadwall  and a couple Shoveler.  Common Terns with juveniles on the rafts.  c100 lapwings present.

Kingfisher(s) very busy today around several pools.  One or two Hobby seen around east marsh area.

Several Gatekeepers, a Brimstone and a Peacock, several 6-spot Burnet moths (plenty of their caterpillars on the vegetation).  Banded Demoiselle.

Muntjac calling.

Saturday 20 July 2024

20th July - most;ly cloudy, light SSW, 23C, a few spots rain pm.

Lilbourne Meadows; morning

10 Little Egrets, 3 Grey herons, a Common Sandpiper and three Green Sandpipers. Four Little Ringed Plovers and three Oystercatchers.
Shoveler families still present, although the eldest brood much more independent now.

Single Greenfinch, male on hedge top.

Stanford reservoir; afternoon.

Missed the Osprey again that has been visiting.
Common Sandpiper at dam area.  A Great-crested Grebe with two youngsters on the water.
Eight Linnets on the dam grass, several were juvs.   Two green Woodpeckers in this area too.

19 Common Terns were on the railings, two were juvs, plus others at the nest raft out of sight.

Three Swifts were high over.  A Kingfisher in BL Bay.

A few more Dragonflies around today and several gatekeeper butterflies near the Sand Martin bank.

Distant Great-crested Grebe chicks.

19th July - 29C, sunny very hot, light SSW

WIlley; morning

Two Red Kites over the grass fields being rowed up.

Swift Valley WWT; afternoon

One Purple Hairstreak seen, Small Skippers and Meadow Browns reasonable numbers.
A beautiful Demoiselle was on the river showing well.

Birds included two Bullfinches, a Green Woodpecker, Jay and Song Thrush.

Melbourne Meadows; evening.

Eight Little Egrets, two Cormorants,c50 lapwings and c 20 Swallows feeding over the pools.

18th July - 26C, sunny, light SSW

Willey; morning

0900h a Wheatear on the barn field track - early record for here, usually seen August.
12 Red Kites for a while over grass being spread in top field.

Lilbourne Meadows; afternoon.

A Greenshank and two Green Sandpipers, three Little Egrets and one Grey Heron.
Kestrel hunting the bank.

17th July - 21C, light SW, sunny spells

Willey; morning.

Five Red Kites and a Buzzard of the allotments field grass being mowed.

Lilbourne Meadows; early afternoon.

Two cormorants today., Four Little Egrets, Teal, a Little Grebe, Common Sandpiper and seven Little Ringed Plovers and juv Yellow Wagtail.

Shawell sandpit/landfill; evening.

A Common Sandpiper, Nine Mute Swans, six (+) Little Grebes, female Egyptian Goose.

16th July - sunny spells, light NW,

Soar Brook Lake; late morning.

A Grey Heron and Red Kite over.  A few House Martins over the fields.
Two female Tufted Ducks, but no young seen this year.
A Green Woodpecker calling.  Two Red-legged Partridges behind the pool next to the boundary fence gate.

Lilbourne Meadows; afternoon.

A Greenshank, three Green Sandpipers and seven Little Ringed Plovers.
Two juv Little Grebes, a Cormorant again on the pools gate.Little Egrets - eight.

Stanford reservoir; evening.

Ten Cormorants on the dam, and drake Pochard again.  Two Hobby over the BL Bay area.

15th July - cloudy am, light rain from 1600h, light ESE, 19C

0830h a Red Kite of the fields that were baled yesterday.

1530h, a Hobby circling high, being hassled by a Swallow or two, before heading off SE over the Long Spinney.

Lilbourne Meadows; early afternoon.
Two Green and one Common Sandpiper, 42 Lapwings.
Only four Little Egrets seen.  A Cormorant on the field pools dividing gate.
Shovelers and a Teal present.

Stanford reservoir; evening.
Pretty quite.  Two oystercatchers and drake Pochard on dam.  A Little Grebe juv nearby.
c25 Swifts.

Sunday 14 July 2024

14th July - sunny spells, cloud increasing pm, light WNW, 20C

Willey; mid -morning

Birds attracted to the grass being rowed up and baled along the coal pit lane included 5 Red Kites, 2 Buzzards, a Kestrel and 6 Lesser Black Backed Gulls.

Also noted high were a Sparrowhawk and single Swift. 

Lilbourne Meadows; morning

Just the regulars, except a male Redstart was happily sunning itself on a fence post where it has been seen a few days now.

Soar Brook Lake; morning

Very quiet, a single juv Little Grebe, Greylag family, single female Tufted Duck, a Green Woodpecker heard, five Goldfinch and two Cormorants.

Stanford reservoir; afternoon.

Spotted Flycatcher family,  House  martins still attending nests on the house.

Two Oystercatchers on the dam, plus plenty of Pied Wagtails, and several Grey Wagtails in the spillway.   Several Linnets and Goldfinches here too, plus a Green Woodpecker heard and a Great Spotted feeding on the ground.

A Common Tern juvenile has been flying a few days now.  No new waterfowl today.

Two, possibly three Kingfishers seen.

c30 Lesser Black Backed Gulls settled on the water, with them a couple of Herring Gulls and an adult Yellow-Legged Gull.

Butterflies included  Gatekeeper, Ringlet, Small and Large Whites and Small Skipper.  

Several Brown Chasers were out too.

Saturday 13 July 2024

13th July - high broken cloud, light NW, 17C

Willey; a Raven flew over the village SW calling, 0830h.

Lilbourne Meadows; morning
Nothing new, highest Lapwing count of 40 so post-breeding.  c10 Swifts over, Shoveler (older) family still.  Eight Little Egrets.

Eyebrook reservoir; afternoon.
A Greenshank and Green Sandpiper, three Black-tailed Godwits, adult and juv Little Ringed Plover..
Eight Egyptian Geese.
At least two juv Yellow Wagtails, two male Reed Buntings and male Stonechat.
Red Kite and Osprey over.
Yellow-legged Gull on the posts.

Record shot through the heat haze of YLG.

Friday 12 July 2024

12th July - mostly cloudy, light N, 17C

Willey; 0930h, a Red Kite over the grass field that were mown yesterday.  None appeared yesterday as it was drizzling and low cloudy most of the time mowing occurred.

Lilbourne Meadows; afternoon.

Fairly quiet today, only 4 Little Egrets on view, a few Swifts and House Martins feeding over the pools, Lapwings, a Little Grebe and Teal present.  c10 Goldfinch flock of adults and juvs.
Three Little Ringed Plovers showing.

Oddly, a House Sparrow cock was sitting on the wire fence where Redstarts are often seen.

A Marbled White, Ringlet and large White were near the entrance gate path.

11th July - cloudy, drizzle/light rain, dull, light NE, 18C. NOT SUMMER!!

Lilbourne Meadows; afternoon.

10 Little Egrets, and Grey Heron.  Two Cormorants sitting on the pools gate.
'older' Shoveler family present.  Two Teal.
Two Stock Doves on the pasture/pool edge.  c50 Starlings feeding.

Male Redstart along the east hedge fence.

Stanford reservoir; evening.

Common Sandpiper, two Oystercatchers on the dam, c10 Swifts around.  Little Grebe off the dam.
Pied and Grey Wagtails.

Two Ravens in adjacent fields.

Thursday 11 July 2024

10th July - Sunny spells, light WSW, 18C

Eyebrook Reservoir - evening.

The Pectoral Sandpiper, reported this morning, was showing well still at the inlet end.

Other bird included a Greenshank, two Black-tailed Godwits, c12 Little Ringed Plovers, four Ringed Plovers, two Common Sandpipers (island spit),, male Ruff (island spit)  & Egyptian Goose, Shelducks, Swifts.

Barn Owl hunting, caught prey and took it off.

9th July - mostly cloudy,,light, 18C

Lilbourne Meadows; morning.

Wood Sandpiper feeding at the pools.

Male Redstart on the fence line.

Grey Heron 2, Little Egret 7.  Oystercatcher, Teal 4, a Little Grebe with small young feeding it, second brood I assume.  Shoveler families present.  Swift 3.

Monday 8 July 2024

8th July - sunny am, becoming cloudy afternoon, light SSE, 18C


Spotted Flycatcher still taking food to the nest.

Nuthatch heard, juv Coal Tit with Blue and Great Tits.

Lilbourne Meadows; evening.

A second Shoveler brood, 7, not many days old either.  The first brood is still present and quite large now.  Also, a drake in eclipse.  The second brood duck was not messing with any of this and qui9ckly chased them away from her brood.

Four Swifts, eight Little Egrets, 35 Lapwings.

Some distant record photos of second brood before disappearing in to vegetation.

Sunday 7 July 2024

7th July - sunny spells, showersd around, light W, 20C

Finningley, Notts; morning

A twitch today to see the Black-winged Pratincole.  It showed well in flight quite often, usually settling in grass obscuring ground views.  Heat haze prevented photos too.  Never-the-less a super bird and very elegant flight display.

Lilbourne Meadows; evening.

Nothing new in, 8 Little Egrets, c 10 Swifts.

Stanford reservoir; 

Common Sandpiper and a Oystercatcher on the dam.  c 100 Swifts feeding.

Only one Shoveler seen.  Blackcap and Garden Warbler singing.

A Grey Heron on the dam allowed close study!