Saturday 27 July 2024

26th July - Sunny periods, light SW, 23C


Two Red Kites, two Buzzards and a Kestrel, two Lesser Black Backed Gulls later over the Perkins grass field area being mown.

Swallows nested in the Church porch successfully this year.

Shawell Sandpit/landfill; evening.

I popped in here, mainly to clear the view point so we can see the water/islands  better.  Time to get thinking about juv gulls again.

Gulls were coming in from the landfill, having a quick dip then heading off to the pore-roost/roost sites.   

Mallard 46, Tufted Duck 30, nine Mute Swans, Little Grebe 4+, Raven 2+, Great Spotted Woodpecker.

Raven -cronking.

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