Sunday 14 July 2024

14th July - sunny spells, cloud increasing pm, light WNW, 20C

Willey; mid -morning

Birds attracted to the grass being rowed up and baled along the coal pit lane included 5 Red Kites, 2 Buzzards, a Kestrel and 6 Lesser Black Backed Gulls.

Also noted high were a Sparrowhawk and single Swift. 

Lilbourne Meadows; morning

Just the regulars, except a male Redstart was happily sunning itself on a fence post where it has been seen a few days now.

Soar Brook Lake; morning

Very quiet, a single juv Little Grebe, Greylag family, single female Tufted Duck, a Green Woodpecker heard, five Goldfinch and two Cormorants.

Stanford reservoir; afternoon.

Spotted Flycatcher family,  House  martins still attending nests on the house.

Two Oystercatchers on the dam, plus plenty of Pied Wagtails, and several Grey Wagtails in the spillway.   Several Linnets and Goldfinches here too, plus a Green Woodpecker heard and a Great Spotted feeding on the ground.

A Common Tern juvenile has been flying a few days now.  No new waterfowl today.

Two, possibly three Kingfishers seen.

c30 Lesser Black Backed Gulls settled on the water, with them a couple of Herring Gulls and an adult Yellow-Legged Gull.

Butterflies included  Gatekeeper, Ringlet, Small and Large Whites and Small Skipper.  

Several Brown Chasers were out too.

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