Friday 12 July 2024

12th July - mostly cloudy, light N, 17C

Willey; 0930h, a Red Kite over the grass field that were mown yesterday.  None appeared yesterday as it was drizzling and low cloudy most of the time mowing occurred.

Lilbourne Meadows; afternoon.

Fairly quiet today, only 4 Little Egrets on view, a few Swifts and House Martins feeding over the pools, Lapwings, a Little Grebe and Teal present.  c10 Goldfinch flock of adults and juvs.
Three Little Ringed Plovers showing.

Oddly, a House Sparrow cock was sitting on the wire fence where Redstarts are often seen.

A Marbled White, Ringlet and large White were near the entrance gate path.

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