Tuesday 30 July 2024

30th July - sunny, hot, 27C. light N


It has been noticeable for a few days now how more Swallows are gathering in small groups on the wires and preening quite a bit.  Amazing to think they will be leaving us in the not too distant future.   

Perkins/Wood Farm fields-  Again Red Kites and Buzzards over the hay making fields, max count was four for the Kites.

Lilbourne Meadows; morning/evening

Male Redstart again showing well.

Green Sandpiper and a Little Ringed Plover.

This evening a Sparrowhawk was eating a kill and being hassled by a Magpie.  House Martins and Swallows came over the bank and 5+ Swifts.

Stanford reservoir; evening.

A Common Sandpiper and Yellow Wagtail on the dam, otherwise nothing new.

This Grey Heron was catching the evening sun.
This juv Grey Heron was taking a short cut along the track to the next bay.

This Moorhen just looked good.

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