Saturday 6 July 2024

6th July - very early am thinderstorm, the some showers and cool am, slowly brightening pm, sunny evening, 16C, mostly light WSW/W

 Lilbourne Meadows; morning.

Nine Little Egrets, two Sand Martins over the pools, Shovelers family still, three Teal, 37 Lapwings.

Stanford reservoir; afternoon.

c250 Swifts (maybe more) feeding, Five Oystercatchers, three Linnets on dam and Green Woodpecker.

Tufted Duck with 2 ducklings off dam.  Whitethroat with food along Leics bank. 

Single Red Admiral seen.

Shawell Sandpit/landfill; afternoon.

22 Red Kites, c 20 Ravens, female Egyptian Goose, 8 Little Grebes (one a juv), 

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