Tuesday 23 July 2024

22nd July - Sunny, light/breezy WSW, 25C

WIlley; a Red Kite over the top fields briefly, 1030h.

Frolesworth Manor Lake; morning

Great Crested Grebe pair with one youngster, a Tufted duck female with four ducklings, a Mute Swans pair with three cygnets, two Coot broods (2 and 3 young).

Four Swifts over, a Kingfisher, two Greenfinches and c10 Starlings.

Claybrooke cemetery;

Two Spotted Flycatchers.

Lilbourne Meadows; evening

Five Green Sandpipers and a Common Sandpiper.  Two Cormorants.  Shoveler family, Gadwall family (8 half grown young), two Teal, 59 Lapwings.
Two Swift over, male Linnet and juv Yellow Wagtail.

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